Written by Anindya Mukherjee

He or I............

I am having cars parked outside my home
Boss to several men, I Chinese Italian Continental
Indian and Thai to roasted boiled and Fry
I can move by choice, I can drink by choice
The world's costliest drinks.......
I can spend millions to look good and
Billions for a luxury and my status is high
I am a big man, my family is full of status
They say I am a tycoon but I............................
Sometimes I feel who is more happy
It is he or I, who is he.....
He who lives on the other side in the
pavement opposite my palace..........
Not worrying about his past and future
He only knows to earn his bread
works all the day and sleeps at night
Sometimes even getting wet in the rain
Shivering in the cold night, I complain but
he is calm, calm as ice...........
He has nothing and has only his clothes
and some work to earn his bread
And I have everything, all is perfect, all is well
But Still I complain, I run after success and
Everyday I redefine my goal.....................
But it is probably impossible to decide
Who is happy, He or I?

Note: Idea generated from a conversation between Mr. Arka Mukherjee and Prof. P.K.Mishra ( Principal , Institute of  Engineering and Management, (Management House), Kolkata

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